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AEA News & Updates

  • AEA Statement on Systematic Racism
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  • AEA Statement on the Independence of Inspectors General
  • AEA Members: Join the AEA Board for Upcoming Virtual Town Halls

    Policy Governance Week: Evolution of the board after 3 years of service by Bianca Montrosse-Moorhead, Eric Barela and Jara Dean-Coffey
    Policy Governance Week: Our Path to Policy Governance by Aimee White & Leslie Goodyear
    Let’s Have a Conversation! Commenting on AEA365 Posts by Sheila B. Robinson
    Oregon Evaluators Week: The benefits of strength-based approaches in evaluation by Juliette Mackin
    Oregon Evaluators Week: Evaluation in Rural and Frontier Settings: What Us Urbanites Should Keep in Mind by Corey Newhouse
    Oregon Evaluators Week: Evaluating Through Simulations by Katie Street

    Professional Development
    Public Library
    Tip A Day


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